Sunday night is 120 Minutes on VH1 Classic. Just like the uh, good old days. (Yes, we are so that old!) What follows is a transcript of an actual conversation between your friend, Cindy Hotpoint, and the illustrious Pinkie Von Bloom, which took place just a few minutes ago.
[Love and Rockets' "So Alive" on the TV]
PVB: Blegh!
CH: Oh yay! Man, I was so obsessed with this song when it came out.
PVB: I'm sorry. This is is totally the worst Love and Rockets song ever.
CH: Oh, cut me some slack, I was like 10 years old!
PVB: You were older than that! This was 8th grade.
CH: Ok, fine -- I was 12, 13 at most. Again, cut me some slack.
PVB: [makes scissor motions with her fingers] I'm cutting, I'm cutting!
CH: I mean, really -- what else sounded like this then?
PVB: [sighs heavily] Nothing.
CH: See! My point exactly. I still love it!!! [sings along loudly]
PVB: [mumbles] It still sucks. The whole album sucks.
So, that being said, here's some assorted Love and Rockets (and related projects...) that Pinkie deems worthy; you're welcome from the land of late-night vinyl ripping.
(Also, you know that they're getting back together and playing Coachella in a few weeks, right? I'm fundamentally opposed to reunions -- even when they're of badass bands -- so I'm not too bummed to be missing that particular nightmare in the desert with drunk LA hipsters. Seriously.)
Bauhaus -- Kick in the Eye
Tones on Tail -- Go!
Love and Rockets -- The Dog-End of a Day Gone By
Love and Rockets -- Kundalini Express
Love and Rockets -- Ball of Confusion.
We'll be back with our weekend recap tomorrow night. We may or may not still be recovering from the awesomeness.
ps -- If you're wondering about the header image, more about the fantastic Love and Rockets graphic novels by Los Bros. Hernandez can be found in this handy Wikipedia entry. Because they're awesome too -- even though I pretty much universally hate all pretentious comic books. Except these. Because er, they're not pretentious.
Labels: bauhaus, love and rockets, recovering from the weekend, tones on tail, watching 120 minutes
How could you omit the 2 greatest L&R song of all time: All In My Mind & Haunted/When The Minutes Drag and
Those are your choices. I picked my favorites...and in the interest of brevity at 2am, that selection was really limited.
But if you could hook me up with the Luv'n'Dub remix of "Resurrection Hex" I might forgive your persnicketiness. ;)
Some people are soooo ungrateful. (;
You can find those two tracks pretty easily on other blogs, they're pretty well accepted as the best of the bunch; we, of course, had to go for the more obscure and subjective. As ever.
I like both the songs you mention, anon. But we also like these, too.
L&R on the Hype Machine
There are worse Love and Rockets songs, most don't like it because it's Pop and atypical of Love and Rockets. It borrows from T-Rex, Daniel's voice is awesome and is actually very good.
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