The Rich Girls Are Weeping

14 April 2008

Sunday night is 120 Minutes on VH1 Classic. Just like the uh, good old days. (Yes, we are so that old!) What follows is a transcript of an actual conversation between your friend, Cindy Hotpoint, and the illustrious Pinkie Von Bloom, which took place just a few minutes ago.

[Love and Rockets' "So Alive" on the TV]

PVB: Blegh!
CH: Oh yay! Man, I was so obsessed with this song when it came out.
PVB: I'm sorry. This is is totally the worst Love and Rockets song ever.
CH: Oh, cut me some slack, I was like 10 years old!
PVB: You were older than that! This was 8th grade.
CH: Ok, fine -- I was 12, 13 at most. Again, cut me some slack.
PVB: [makes scissor motions with her fingers] I'm cutting, I'm cutting!
CH: I mean, really -- what else sounded like this then?
PVB: [sighs heavily] Nothing.
CH: See! My point exactly. I still love it!!! [sings along loudly]
PVB: [mumbles] It still sucks. The whole album sucks.

So, that being said, here's some assorted Love and Rockets (and related projects...) that Pinkie deems worthy; you're welcome from the land of late-night vinyl ripping.

(Also, you know that they're getting back together and playing Coachella in a few weeks, right? I'm fundamentally opposed to reunions -- even when they're of badass bands -- so I'm not too bummed to be missing that particular nightmare in the desert with drunk LA hipsters. Seriously.)

Bauhaus -- Kick in the Eye

Tones on Tail -- Go!
Love and Rockets -- The Dog-End of a Day Gone By
Love and Rockets -- Kundalini Express

Love and Rockets -- Ball of Confusion.

We'll be back with our weekend recap tomorrow night. We may or may not still be recovering from the awesomeness.

ps -- If you're wondering about the header image, more about the fantastic Love and Rockets graphic novels by Los Bros. Hernandez can be found in this handy Wikipedia entry. Because they're awesome too -- even though I pretty much universally hate all pretentious comic books. Except these. Because er, they're not pretentious.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could you omit the 2 greatest L&R song of all time: All In My Mind & Haunted/When The Minutes Drag and

Monday, April 14, 2008 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are your choices. I picked my favorites...and in the interest of brevity at 2am, that selection was really limited.

But if you could hook me up with the Luv'n'Dub remix of "Resurrection Hex" I might forgive your persnicketiness. ;)

Monday, April 14, 2008 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Some people are soooo ungrateful. (;

You can find those two tracks pretty easily on other blogs, they're pretty well accepted as the best of the bunch; we, of course, had to go for the more obscure and subjective. As ever.

I like both the songs you mention, anon. But we also like these, too.

L&R on the Hype Machine

Monday, April 14, 2008 1:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are worse Love and Rockets songs, most don't like it because it's Pop and atypical of Love and Rockets. It borrows from T-Rex, Daniel's voice is awesome and is actually very good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:36:00 PM  

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