The Rich Girls Are Weeping

06 November 2006

Monday Morning Quickie! Ok, we're recovering from our long weekend (birthday gatherings! a job interview! brassiere shopping! sewing galore! cassoulet! lots of steak! wanky conversations about Trail of Dead -- more on that later this week!) but there's two things you simply must see right now:

One: London Lee's new project, Crying All The Way To The Chip Shop is up and running. We're all about airing one's embarassing tastes to the entire wide world, so we're totally looking forward to hearing more about Mr. Lee's alleged 'rubbish taste in music' that haunts his past. We doubt it's actually rubbish; we are all a collection of our wide and varied influences -- and there's nothing to be ashamed of in that even if those influences include Jilted John. Or, in our case, Neneh Cherry's "Buffalo Stance."

Two: Pictures from The Mountain Goats' Halloween show in Baton Rouge. OMG!

Sad note: Via the Matablog, we're very sad to hear of actress/director/Hal Hartley muse Adrienne Shelly's passing last Wednesday. In tribute, we suggest a viewing of Trust, one of Ms. Shelly's most amazing performances or her cinematic debut, The Unbelievable Truth, both directed by Mr. Hartley.

Cass McCombs -- Sacred Heart
Midlake -- My Young Bride (Roger O'Donnell Moog Mix).
New Order -- Thieves Like Us.
Shearwater -- I Can't Wait.

(ps - in preparation for the inevitable discussion of ...Trail of Dead's new album, So Divided, please review the work of outsider Henry Darger and previous indie rock references to his ouevre.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be a review of the four new spoon songs you witnessed last week? Will said review be lengthy? (I hope so)

Monday, November 06, 2006 4:44:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Oh yes! I was planning to get to that later today!

Monday, November 06, 2006 4:57:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Ack, I'm sorry -- it seemed kind of live. I totally shouldh have checked with you first!

Thursday, November 09, 2006 6:20:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

They do have a tendency to require an inordinate amount of attention! But it's totally worth it. (;

Friday, November 10, 2006 5:44:00 PM  

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