The Rich Girls Are Weeping

21 April 2006

I bet you've probably never been to Abilene, Texas. I have, a few times -- I was even in a wedding there, on St. Patrick's Day, a few years back. It's a dry county and the rehersal dinner was held at a private club where we paid "dues" so we could drink. It was bizzare. I also sported a Mary Tyler Moore-esque flip because the ladies at the hair salon couldn't give me an updo like all the other bridesmaids as I had less-than-shoulder-length hair at the time. However, I was paired with the intensely handsome rockabilly groomsman who sported an impressive pompadour, so we looked pretty awesome together, actually.

Abilene also has the highest number of churches per capita in the world. Or so I've heard. There's several Christian colleges there, so it's probably true. Also, the airport, the tiny tiny airport, is made of marble. That's cattle and oil money, people. It's an old school Texas kind of town. God, cows, and crude.

Anyway, the latest additions to the 4AD fold, The Late Cord (John Mark Lapham [The Earlies] and Micah P. Hinson), are from Abilene. And you know, they're really fantastic -- sparse, earthy and slightly disturbing -- can I call it West Texas Gothic? Their debut mini-album Lights From The Wheelhouse, is out next week in the UK.

The Late Cord -- My Most Meaningful Relationships Are With Dead People

Other news from out and about the web:

Bishop Allen's March EP is out, download "The Monitor" at their site.

The 2006 Experience Music Project Pop Conference is next weekend
-- wish we were going, because DFG/TRGAW pal herjazz is presenting a paper on music selection in competitive figure skating, which has always been an interest of mine. Other highlights: Franklin Bruno tackles the Indiaspora, known around these parts as The Indie Rock Renaissance, and an interview with Stephin Merrit.

Oh, and as an addendum to yesterday's love song selections -- a track from my new fave trashy electropunks from San Francisco -- Luxxury, in homage (or something) to Samantha Foxx's "Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)."

Luxxury -- Dirty Girls Need Love Too

Have a great weekend!


Blogger Unknown said...

Rhetorical Question (because inquiring minds want to know): Why didn't Samantha Foxx go all the way and spell her name F-O-X-X-X, because as is, it appears that she's Redd Foxx's lost chavvy mustifina relative. (Damon's Jim Crow Crayons strike again.)

Friday, April 21, 2006 5:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to be driving through Abilence next weekend. Something to look forward to!!

Friday, April 21, 2006 7:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was in abilene once!~

Monday, April 24, 2006 4:18:00 AM  

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