The Rich Girls Are Weeping

10 July 2006

Huh, that's weird. First up, news from the Shearwater front: Kelefa Sanneh gave the band a big thumbs up the other day in the NYT. Sidebar to Mr. Sanneh: Read the liner notes again and you might find the uniting theme to the album. Maybe the mp3 below will be of assistance? Don't worry, I needed a hint too (thx L-Train!). On the other hand, we hear -- and you totally didn't hear this from us -- that they've been dropped from their label, Misra, who are looking to change direction. Perhaps to "the all Will Johnson, all the time" label? We kid, of course...sort of... Anyway, we know there's a home out there for the Shearovians (sounds better than Shearwaterites, yeah?) -- Secretly Canadian, Bella Union, 4ad -- are you listening? This is a total not-so-subtle hint. [Please see this entry for a clarification of the information outlined above...]
The band's still touring and making their way back to Austin, where they'll play Emo's on the 14th. Check 'em out if you can -- tonight in DC and tomorrow in Charlotte, NC. (Also, Good Hodgkins has more tracks from SHearwater's latest album, the brilliant Palo Santo, for you to check out...)

The Velvet Underground -- Femme Fatale

[Sidebar: You know, it would have been a grand weekend to be in NYC, what with Shearwater in town and Blacklist playing with the Bellmer Dolls -- we were super-sad to be too broke to engage in such activities. Yes, even we have to be frugal sometimes. And by sometimes, we mean most of the time these days...]

We know how much some of you love The Pipettes, we know how much some of you absolutely loathe The Pipettes. Maybe we'll stay mostly neutral for now (we like 'em all right, but aren't overly gaga for the girls), but here's some b-sides for you. They're ripped from the 7" singles for "Pull Shapes," hence the crackle and pop, which adds to the ambiance, I suppose.

The Pipettes -- Guess Who Ran Away With the Milkman
The Pipettes -- Magician Man

I don't usually write about bands that randomly try to friend me on MySpace (though, that would make a good snarky anonymous blog, I bet someone's already done it [yep]), but this one made me laugh, and then kinda impressed me with their New Order-meets-Yo La Tengo antics: The South Jersey Seashore Lifeguard Convention Band (MySpace)(website).

A few weeks back there was an amusingly disturbing (disturbingly amusing?) interview with Ann Coulter on about how she's a ... total Deadhead. That's not all that surprising -- no, no. What is shocking is that she namechecks the Eagles of Death Metal as one of her favorite bands. Mmm. Yes. Eagles of Death Metal. Whatever, lady. Relatedly, found in file-sharing land, You Are Not At All Boring samples Ms. Coulter from the recorded version of her latest book-shaped product Godless; the (surprisingly) charming and dirty "And You Shall Know Them By Their Fruits" is the result.

You Are Not At All Boring -- You Shall Know Them By Their Fruits (Breakbeat Acid House Mix)

Kill Rock Stars and 5RC are having a big ol' t-shirt sale on overstocks and designs that are going out of print. Time to stock up on sure-to-be-collectible Sleater Kinney items...

Best post the past few days: Mars Needs Guitars' complation of "Spirit in the Sky" covers. Elton John and Bauhaus are the standouts, natch. Also, Stu fromt Toronto-based TRGAW faves Tin Bangs plays six degrees of seperation with Black Heart Procession and The Prayers & Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers.

For no other reason than that I'm apparently on some kind of b-side remix kick:

Franz Ferdinand -- Fade Together (Avalanches Remix)
Twilight Singers -- I'm Ready (Lo Fidelity Allstars Remix)

Hey, I had some really weird dreams this weekend. Last night I dreamt I organized a show with Roky Erickson -- fairly normal stuff. But Saturday night I dreamt that Pinkie and I were sitting on a giant portmanteau in an open-air shopping esplanade by a faux Viennese coffee shop and Interpol's Paul Banks wandered by wearing a traditional Peruvian hat (see also the great Flickr pool devoted to Andean headgear), designed, as he informed us, by Hedi Slimane. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, seriously.

And finally -- I'd probably make a Porsche 911 or a Karmann Ghia or something, but this is totally neat: English art school student knits a Ferrari.

(See you tonight at Emo's Corner bar for the inaugural End of an Ear midnight sale with DJ Wayne B from Calla? Come have a Stella with us!)


Blogger Unknown said...

four-wool drive! bwah! i want a knitted ferrari. think susan still has gobs of red heart leftover from the gothic wedding dress? heh. as if. i think you might need to file for venture capital for that much yarn...even red heart. "for my creative vision, i'm seeing mohair."

Monday, July 10, 2006 2:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think susan does, in fact, still have yarn leftover from the pomogoth wedding dress.

those giant skeins of red heart go on sale occasionally for cheap; i think it would be possible to do some kind of huge thing on a smallish budget.

can i ask a possibly dumb question? what does "dropped" mean in this case? that misra won't be putting out shearwater's next cd? or is there any more immediate effect? i know you might not know exactly, but maybe you can help me narrow it down.

Monday, July 10, 2006 2:45:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

I'm assuming it means that they're not putting out the next record, but at giving support for the promotion of Palo Santo? I have no idea really. I hope they're at least seeing the band thru the end of the tour, I hope.

I also hope I don't get in hot water for discussing this. (;

Monday, July 10, 2006 2:48:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Kathryn: Oooh, no! Don't tell!

(I actually heard this tidbit from THREE people over the course of a few days -- but I'm not naming names, of course!)

Monday, July 10, 2006 3:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Thanks for all the tracks.

I'm really missing all my old LJ buddies now that I can't access it from work anymore. Oh well. At least I'm getting a lot more work done these days (so maybe they had a good reason to block that site, huh?).

Monday, July 10, 2006 3:40:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Thanks, Jere! I've missed your recommendations and the charming anecdotes about your adorable kids...

Monday, July 10, 2006 4:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not naming names either, but what I was told was that Misra itself was ceasing operations.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome link to the "Spirit in the Sky" covers! That has been my favorite song since I was 3.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i just noticed that mars does not have the ulstra-glam doctor and the medics cover of "spirit in the sky." shuckins.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks so much for the pipettes b-sides!!! i hate not having a vinyl player.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In no way is misra "dropping" shearwater...Misra loves Shearwater and palo santo and is going to do everything possible to make the record a huge success. There are rumours about the long term picture for Misra, which at this point are just rumours....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:55:00 AM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

While I certainly didn't mean to turn into the Hedda Hopper of Austin, Anonymous, but that's not what we heard. And by cloaking yourself in mystery, you're not helping the situation. I simply must ask you to reveal yourself before I'll believe what you're saying. Are you:

a) Phil Waldorf
b) A member of Shearwater
c) One of the stated co-owners of Misra (Nick, Timothy, etc.)?

Because unless you are one of these people, roommates with one of these people, or sleeping with one of these people, your word is rumor as well.

Thank you.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy- sorry to be mysterious. I emailed you to try to clear things up. Let me know if you have more questions.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:29:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Thank you, that is most appreciated!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, the other day, an extremely lame girl i know ALSO mentioned that she loves the eagles of death metal. and i was totally dumbfounded. i don't get it! is there some sort of secret society for idiotic women that passes around a "bands to like" list?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually that's not a bad idea. maybe that's how i should find bands for reviews. just whoever adds me as a friend. otherwise it's a bit tedious trying to find anyone worth reviewing really. keeping it random might be a good idea. it's such sensory overload you know, this internet thing. what's it all about?

Friday, July 14, 2006 3:53:00 AM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

i think going after the people who try and friend you is the best plan of attack -- if i had the time for Yet Another Blog, I would TOTALLY do it. I get some pretty outlandish bands asking to be my 'friend'...

Friday, July 14, 2006 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger cindy hotpoint said...

Sara: Not that there's anything wrong with TEODM, of course -- just they DO seem an odd choice to be a favorite of tacky women. Wait a minute, maybe not ... perhaps they're not in on the joke and take the band at face value. Ha!

Friday, July 14, 2006 12:40:00 PM  

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