The Rich Girls Are Weeping

06 January 2006

Just a quickie post today. It's one of those days, you know? Lots going on.

The New Pornographers (or, as someone on ILX suggested calling them, The 'Nups -- I like that!) have had a banner year. New album
Twin Cinema claimed spots on an array of best of 2005 lists and was a fantastic breakout record. Not everyone agrees, though -- I have a friend who likens listening to the multi-layered, cacophonous pop insanity of The New Pornographers as something akin to going slightly mad. I myself do not think this is a bad thing.

Here's two b-sides for you from the "Letter From an Occupant" single, circa the Mass Romantic era.

The New Pornographers -- When I Was a Baby
The New Pornographers -- The End of Medicine (early version)

(The entire New Pornographers discography is available at
Insound. Look for them on tour this spring with label-mates Belle and Sebastian.)


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